How To Get Your

Security Deposit Back After Moving

This image shows a clean living room.

There are plenty of people that truly believe that landlords will not give security deposits back or, at least, will do anything they can to avoid giving it all back.

Though some of these types of landlords do exist, most landlords are agreeable people that will happily return your security deposit under the correct circumstances.

Below, we will go over the steps you should take to ensure that you can get your security deposit back after moving.

Read Your Lease

Re-read your lease the moment that you decide to move out. Every lease agreement has a section about moving and you should follow these terms precisely in order to get your deposit back.

Find out how much notice you must give your landlord and look for any specific requirements the landlord may have included. For example, some landlords will require a 60-day notice, whereas most only require 30 days. You’ll also want to check any other additional requirements. such as cleaning and repairs.

Let Your Landlord Know

Telling your landlord that you plan to move is a respectable decision in the moving process. By telling your landlord, you’ll be fostering a more trustworthy relationship between you and your landlord.

It’s best to do this by writing a letter and making a copy of it for your personal records. This way, you’re covering yourself if your landlord ever tries to say they didn’t know you were moving. Just make sure they receive it during the timeframe of the notice.

Pay Your Final Month of Rent

Don’t fall into the mindset that your security deposit is your last month’s rent. This is not the case unless it’s specifically written in the lease agreement.

Your security deposit is typically used to cover any damages or cleaning that needs to be done in the event that you move out without following this guide. Be sure to pay your final month of rent on time and keep a copy of the receipt for your records.

Repair any Damage

If anything has been damaged during the course of your time living in this space, repair it before moving out.

If a landlord finds damage in your home that wasn’t present prior to your being there, they will most likely retain your security deposit to cover the cost of repairs. It’s acceptable to make any minor repairs yourself, however, you should hire a professional for any complex repairs that are needed.

Accidents happen, we all have experienced them, just don’t let an accident prevent you from getting your security deposit back.

Clean, Clean, and Clean Again

In the vast majority of lease agreements, a rental property should be left clean upon moving out. If your landlord walks into a messy home, don’t expect to get your money back.

Dust off the ceiling fans, sweep and mop all the floors, and wipe down all your hard surfaces. To give yourself the best chance of getting that security deposit back, you need to leave your space sparkling.

If the space you were renting has carpet, it’s highly recommended you hire a professional carpet cleaning surface. These companies will leave the carpet in a like-new condition and even leave your space smelling fresher than ever.

A Final Word

After completing all these steps, you should follow-up with your landlord. Have them do a move-out inspecti